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Friday, November 21, 2014

Learning About Conditions For A Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

By Ida Dorsey

Your spinal cord is one of the most important parts of your body. If you injure it, it is often impossible to return it to the same state as it was before your accident. If you have suffered from an accident like this, you may need to speak to a Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer in Hammond, LA who can represent you.

These injuries can cause a person to be paralyzed in the lower half of their body or in all four limbs. A person who suffers paralysis in the lower part of their body is a paraplegic. Someone who suffers from paralysis in all four limbs is called a quadriplegic. The nerves of the spinal cord handle many important functions, such as breathing, regulating body temperature, and controlling the bladder. They also control sexual functions. For this reason, many victims suffer from a range of health problems through their lives, some of which are very serious.

Some of the most common causes of these injuries are accidents or trauma to the spine. This can be caused by motor vehicle accidents, falls, or an act of violence, such as knife wounds. A small percentage arises from sports activities, especially aggressive ones like football.

In some cases, the injuries are the result of errors from a doctor or surgeon. Sometimes these errors are avoidable, and happen due to negligence. In such circumstances, these could indicate medical malpractice.

Normally a CT scan or MRI is ordered if a condition of this nature is suspected. The initial medical treatment focuses on stabilizing the spine from further damage. Doctors will often treat this aggressively with corticosteroid drugs. It may also be necessary to perform surgery to fuse the spine using pins or metal plates. When the original injury has healed, the patient will need rehabilitation to gain back some functional improvement. This rehab may take six months or longer. The disability is normally considered to be permanent after this point.

Many victims seek monetary awards as compensation for any losses resulting from the accident. This could be for future medical expenses or loss of income. Payment of damages is meant to restore the victim to the same condition they were in before the accident.

The medical costs that are associated with these injuries over the lifetime of the patient can be very great. Some families undergo a great deal of stress in these situations. Others are not prepared for the financial burden of caring for a loved one in this condition.

When looking for a lawyer to represent you, you can start by contacting the victims or injury compensation association for a list of reputable attorneys. Make sure that the attorney is licensed to practice in Hammond, LA and is a member of the state bar. Try to find out their track record and what sort of success they have in representing cases like yours.

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